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Friday, February 21, 2014


Queen Nazli and her children
Queen Nazli and her five children: H.M. King Farouk, HRH Princess Faika, HRH Princess Faiza; front row: HRH Princess Fawzia (later Empress of Persia) and HRH Princess Fatheya (holding bunny rabbit) and (below) HRH Prince Farouk as a teenager in 1936

grotto - Plot F
photos of cemetery and memorial plaques by Samir Raafat the Catholic Holy Cross Cemetery in Culver City, Los Angeles grotto - Plot F Holy Cross Cemetery queen nazli tombstone

queen nazli tombstone born in 1894 in Alexandria Nazli Abdelrehim Sabry married King Fouad of Egypt and was the mother of King Farouk who bestowed upon her the title of 'Queen Mother' on 20 January 1938
obituary Queen Nazil, Princess Fatheya the youngest daughter of King Fouad and Queen Nazli lies next to her mother who survived her by two years Princess Fatheya born a royal princess in Cairo's Kubbeh Palace on 17 December 1930, Fatheya (also spelt Fathiya, Fathia) died on 10 December 1976 in West Hollywood the result of several shot wounds. The killer was her estranged husband Riad B. Ghali. He was sentenced to imprisonment on charges of involuntary manslaughter but released a year later on the grounds of poor health Fatheya had married Ghali at the Fairmont Hotel in San Fransisco on 25 April 1950. Together with Queen Nazli the couple lived a life of luxury in the Los Angeles county of Beverly Hills, off Benedict Canyon Drive
when the money started to run out, the Queen and her daughter and son-in-law were forced to live under less luxurious circumstances in Santa Monica and later in an apartment West of Hollywood. Later, in 1973, Fatheya filed for bankruptcy and was later forced to forego her mother's last remaining jewels in lieu of outstanding debts at a Los Angeles court on Monday 22 September 1976 Riad Ghali tombstone of Princess Fatheya's husband and killer who died in Santa Monica on 13 July 1987.

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